Monday, September 05, 2005

I am back

wlt {Peter Namlook - Sex-au-phone}

It has been a strange day. I woke up at six in the morning, but since my petate* was so comfortable I slept in until about 6:45 am. Then coffee was on its way, a cold shower, the slow breeze of the fan hitting the sheets that are still asleep. Outside is still dark, yet the clouds start to push in and all the light comes through. The drive to work, was curious the newspaper girl asked me about my sister, and all I could do was smile. My sister, my love, my night, my day is now quite some distance away. After a cramping session of about three hours I finally got a break from work and decided to head towards the market and buy some food thinking that it was the main problem, only to find out that it was. lol.

This readings that I have been doing lately got me started on my searching path again, its an anxious feeling though.... having left it to a mystical wondering in my previous attempts, every time its stronger and calls harder. Lets see what I can find, no? Yet there are many unresolved things to figure out, so many questions, about light, energy, so many.... With this short bleep I say hello to outer web space once again.


Que noche mas fria,
Que sueno tan turbado,
Quizas estuviste alli a mi lado,
Y sin decirmelo me acariciaste

Dejando un rostro de beso que se esfumo
al yo despertar buscandote
Ilusion solo una fantasia,
y la noche sigue siendo muy fria.

* sleeping mat weaved out of palm leaves


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